Music on the Streets

How often we miss things that happen around us. We have learned to be busy, by working more and ignoring art, which really makes us humans. During my recent short visit to Stockholm and Munich, I experienced a different urban life than in India.

Here is a short compilation of music on streets. Nothing beats the happiness when you experience such things on busy streets where people stop by and smile, appreciate and clap! God bless all the artists who bring joy in today’s chaotic world around us! Hope you enjoy this video…


Nothing beats, to be alone! Thats the point when our Soul steps out and starts walking… we rarely turn back. We dont fight. We walk in exactly opposite direction. Have you ever felt this? This is the time when life turns… routine starts evolving and it becomes most dynamic. Your mind isnt tired at all! You wake up…Body tries to catch your SOUL.. Dream run begins.. Leading to YOUR ultimate goal! TAKE MY SOUL AWAY…

Spread the Wings…

Most interesting snap lately. I approached this fella, clicking various shots… As if it was my studio and this Green Bee Eater was posing for me. Least bothered, bee eater lived its LIFE. I heard the bird saying— ” You wanna click me, ehh..go ahead mate! Wait, Who are you? Photographer? Blah…” with a quick pause, bee eater said “Bro, Spread the until you are tired! Dont wait for anyone, neither am I going to wait for ya”

Within a flash it flew away…leaving behind a very awesome image, and a golden thought – Spread the Wings…